13 May 2008

Mark your calendar for Vol. 05

Pecha Kucha Night San Luis Obispo Vol. 5 is coming soon.
Save the date:
:: Friday June 13th, 2008, Steynberg Gallery, SLO
:: conversations start @ 7:00pm (19:00)
:: presentations start @ 8:20pm (20:20)

Take note: volume 5 is sound and movement driven. Join the conversation!

12 May 2008

Cal Poly Architecture students + Pecha Kucha Night

Pecha Kucha Night: San Luis Obispo Volume 4
will feature Cal Poly Architecture students.

An architectural marathon of student talent!!!

WHEN: Friday May 16, 2008
:: Presentations start @ 19:00 (7:00pm)
:: Ends @ 22:00 (10:00pm)

WHERE: Steynberg Gallery
1531 Monterey Street in San Luis Obispo
$1 donation at the door

The Line Up:
01_peter turba: Defacing Groundscrape
02_brian siu yang: velO.city a high speed transit center spanning the sociological bay between the carbon-free world and gluttonous america
03_taline ayanyan: CREEPS: Timeless"Abstract"Machines
04_yimon aye: MEMORY RECALL BURMA:UNVEILING THE HIDDEN TRUTH 05_keith berry: biological structures
06_tyler bornstein: David Lynch + Icky Phenomenology

30 minute break

07_david pak: Spaghetti Sauce Architectural Variability
08_dustin pires eco2 ecology x economics
09_brandin roat Andy Warhol in the Afterlife
10_katsu shigemi SYMBIOTIC URBANISM The Future of LA
11_nathan smith Bifurcation of the Conscious Realm
12_danny thai Voluntary Transfiguration

30 minute break

13_remy junio Learning is.
14_frank lara DEMOCRATIC SPACE
15_noelle lee arCUREtecture: 20 Ways to Heal from 5 Years of Architecture School 16_michelle nelson DESERT_the inner boundaries : new urban place in Phoenix
17_leti chagolla Border-less Identity
18_simon diesendruck Corpulent Spectacle Sumo Wrestling in Beverly Hills